Social Work Consultations:



With five years of home health medical social work experience in both Jackson and Josephine counties, I have worked with numerous social service organizations and Integral medical specialists. Some of the SS organizations I have worker with are: RVCOG, Senior Services, Disability Services, Access, Columbia Care, JCMH, HUDD.

In addition, living in Southern Oregon for most of my life has sensitized me to various social problems as well as some excellent solutions that have been implemented for positive social change in the Rogue Valley.

I am aware of the complex interplay between the individual and how one intersects with the larger social systems and how they both aid and constrain one’s chances of success and personal empowerment. I am sensitized to the numerous structural problems that are endemic in our social system (unregulated capitalism, systematic racism, gender inequality, xenophobia, and social class divisions) that have justified and maintained a system of devastating social inequality in the United States.

And while we have some funding for social services, there are millions of people who fall through the cracks in our social systems—such as health care, education, and the criminal justice system—to name just a few.

Unfortunately, funding for social services in the United States is the lowest it has ever been.

Sadly, there are currently 45 million people living in poverty in the United States and most of these people consist of women, children, minorities, seniors, and disabled ( for more information about the causes of poverty and some policy solutions implemented, please read my blog posts that discuss poverty in America).

I’ve helped numerous people apply for various social services in Southern Oregon. This often involves fierce advocacy work for vulnerable people with physical and mental disabilities, those who are aging and/or end of life, have financial problems, chronic health problems, addictions, and discrimination due to race/class/gender issues.

I have also done a lot of crisis work for people living on the margins, or, are homeless.  I handled all of the psychiatric mental health crisis patients at both home health agencies.  I also helped numerous vulnerable seniors living in rural areas get access to community resources and make major life transitions when needed.

Social Services Performed:

Behavioral health counseling, caregiving, respite care, transportation, meal delivery, transfer to skill nursing, foster home, assisted living, legal services, respite for caregivers, medical equipment, referrals to senior services and adult protection services, low income housing applications, moving, cleaning services, medicaid eligibility, veterans benefits, guardianship and POA, referral for neuro-psych evaluations, long term counseling, assistance with SSDI application, addiction recovery, vocational rehabilitation, crisis intervention, and fund raising for medical costs.

I have set up numerous Go-Fund me campaigns for people in need of financial assistance.

Over the years, I have formed a strong network of qualified mental health professionals that have mentored me, in addition to case consultation meetings with Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatric Nurses, LCSW’s, and Psychiatrists.

I am very aware of the strict qualifications for numerous social service agencies—such as Senior Services, Veterans Administration, Disability Services, OHP, and medicaid.


One Hour Consultation: $60.00

30 minute Consultation: $30.00

Email me ON CONTACT PAGE to set up an appointment for a SW consultation



I have a very unique perspective as a Sociologist and Social worker who is currently working on the frontlines of our community in Southern Oregon.

As a community bridger and networker, I have been forming community alliances with numerous social service agencies that are very aware of the social problems we are facing, but feel overwhelmed due to massive funding cuts and the recent economic shock of the global pandemic and ecological crisis.

Most agree that these social problems have just continued to get worse over the years. For example, Access released some factual statistics on their website, which was research done by the Housing Authority. In this study, they found that Southern Oregon currently has a housing crisis. —There is a 1% occupancy rate right now, which is horrific. As a result, people are falling into homelessness because very few people have a savings buffer of $200.00 or more.

All it takes is loosing a job, getting physically ill or disabled, addictions, health problems, divorce, eviction, and decline in mental health….. and individuals and families could end up temporarily homeless for 3-12 months. And once the downward spiral occurs, it is incredibly difficult to get out of it as there are few transitional housing shelters in Southern Oregon, not to mention have one year waiting lists or longer.

Furthermore, there is a tremendous shortage in low income subsidized housing. To matters worse, President Trump cut all the federal funding or grants for subsidized housing, which put us four years behind in any progress. The housing authority has known for a long time that low income, subsidized housing has been in shortage and that there is little incentive for contractors to take on these jobs because they don’t make enough profit. If they were subsidized properly, then there would be more incentive, as it is a lot of work.

Several organizations have worked on plans geared to help the homeless problem. For example, Access and The Housing Authority posted a plan on their website; however, they have not been very successful at implanting the plan, most likely due to lack of funding. Sacramento has blocks of tent cities for their homeless people, as they need a place to go and sleep. We should have implemented these years ago. And while this is not the best solution, it is a baby step in the right direction.

I have formed numerous treatment teams with community alliances to get people transitioned into shelter or affordable housing. I work with amazing people at Columbia Care and Access who deeply understands the downward spiral of homelessness and how easy it is to get stuck there.

I formed a team of social change agents called Southern Oregon Agents of Social Change. I have several powerful leaders in our community who are ready to start taking action to create rehabilitative systems for the current ecological and social crisis we have been facing for a long time now.


Our mission is to serve Southern Oregon as community planners, educators, social architects, bridgers, researchers, policy change makers, social workers, and activists.  It is our intention to prepare our communities for climate change and the collapse of systems that are no longer serving humanity at this time.


 Social Research

 Investigative Journalism

 Community Networking and forming Alliances for collapse

 PodcastS and Webinars

 Video Education Series and E-Courses

 Conflict Resolution training, Mindfulness Based Counseling and Meditation

 Labor/Workplace evaluations and Communication Trainings

 Social Work Consultations and Training for local agencies (home health, la clinica for example)

 Employee/Labor Advocacy for caregivers and other frontline workers


© 2019 Guanyin Healing Arts