Victoria Christensen specializes in sociology, social systems, social Work consultations, social research, social policy, work place evaluations and training, writing, group therapy, life coaching, mindfulness practices, guided meditations, and E-courses. I am also a professional artist and independant publisher. My mission is to help individuals and groups live more creative, meaningful, and conscious lives. I achieve this mission by integrating heart, mind, body and soul in the healing process and valuing each person’s individual journey toward wholeness.
At this time in human history, many of us our experiencing a variety of life stressors and problems that can become insurmountable to work through alone. We all need help on our life journey towards health, wholeness, peace, and self-actualization. In times of personal despair or ill health, we need to be held in a safe container of compassion, gentleness, and grace.
My ultimate mission is to assist individuals in their search for inner peace, contentment, integration, wholeness, empowerment, and liberation.
I am committed to Integrative Wellness, which is the evolving model in medicine and health care that treats the whole person. Integrative wellness explores the integration of mind, body, heart and soul. I understand that there are many layers to healing and awakening, and therefore, don’t profess to have all the answers. I practice passionate humility and reverence for the profound wisdom of each individual’s unique process of healing and the wisdom of their soul to guide them to self-actualization. I are committed to non-judgmentally meeting each individual where they are at on the healing journey, and if you are open, stretch you beyond your comfort zone in order to spur personal growth, which isn’t always an easy task. I understand that you are the expert of your own life and I honor your self determination to make your own decisions and be a powerful agent of change.